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University of Florida

International Studies Coursework
INR2001- *ISP
Intro to International Relations
EUS3930- *ISP
Intro to Refugee Studies
US & World Affairs
International Studies Perspectives
Intro to Euro Studies
INR4931- *ISP
Music and Global Politics
International Law
Senior Research Seminar
Senior Research Seminar in International Studies
French and Francophone Studies Coursework
Grammar and Composition
Composition and Stylistics
FRW3100- *ISP
Intro to French Literature 1
Le rap français
Contemporary French Culture
Commercial French
Francophone Cultures
Sociolinguistics of French
Senior Seminar in French Literature
Greek Studies Coursework
Beginning Modern Greek 1
Beginning Modern Greek 2
Intermediate Modern Greek 1
Intermediate Modern Greek 2
Greek Experience: Ancient to Modern
Balkans: History, Culture, & Politics
Greece: Yesterday & Today
Study Abroad Coursework
UF in Paris- French in the City: Interaction and Variation -
In this study abroad course, we discussed variations in the French language as well as observed them through interactions with locals of various regions and ages. Residing with a Parisian host family throughout this program, I was able to apply my daily interactions to this course. I observed how Parisians speak as well as how language can vary amongst different age groups. Similarly, through excursions to the Brittany region of France, I was able to compare and contrast Parisian French with the spoken French of this region. Furthermore, the class was divided into lectures in a classroom and hands-on experiences with France as its own classroom. This course further developed my knowledge of the French language and how it can vary.
UF in Paris- Paris: Capital of Art -
This course, taught fully in French, featured a survey of Parisian art throughout history, from paintings, to sculptures, to architecture. In visiting a plethora of art museums in Paris, including the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Musée de l’Orangerie, Musée Jaquemart-André, and the Centre Pompidou, I was able to discover an array of different styles of French art as well as put the pieces in their historical, social, and cultural contexts.
UF in Sorrento- Multidisciplinary Perspectives in the Bay of Naples -
Through this course, I discovered a tremendous amount about the Bay of Naples, its history, traditions, architecture, geography, and challenges. The course consisted of lectures taught by different professors on these topics as well as hands-on activities in both Sorrento and Naples. Furthermore, as this course was so multidisciplinary, I was able to connect knowledge from a multitude of previous courses to this one. With the lectures, I was able to learn about the history of southern Italy and how significant of a role the city of Naples played for many years in Europe before the unification of northern and southern Italy. Additionally, I discovered the history of the ancient Greeks in the Bay of Naples and was able to relate previous coursework in Greek Studies to this course. Other lectures taught me about the challenges that the Bay of Naples faces, one of these being migration. Through a lecture on issues of migration, I was able to connect a previous course on Refugee Studies in Europe to the Bay of Naples. Lastly, with hands on activities in both Naples and Sorrento, I was able to experience first-hand the many religious traditions, the varying types of architecture, and Neapolitan culture. It was evident through these experiences the extent to which Catholicism is present in the culture. With churches on every corner, it appeared, and shrines to various Saints scattered about the cities, the presence of the Catholic church in Neapolitan culture was one of my primary takeaways from my in-person experiences. This course provided a wonderful overview on the region I was studying abroad in and enabled me to appreciate my study abroad program in a very authentic way.
UF in Sorrento / Sant'Anna Institute- International Internship -
This course, offered by the Sant’Anna institute in Sorrento, enabled me to work an internship with a non-governmental organization in Naples, L.E.S.S., for the duration of my study abroad program. In addition to my internship responsibilities, I completed weekly reflections and assignments for the Internship coordinator at the Sant’Anna institute as well as created and presented a final project on all I had learned from my experiences.
For more information on my internship with L.E.S.S., click here
Courses counting as "international coursework" for the International Scholars Program are marked as "- *ISP"
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